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Better than Sliced Bread, "OmniProto" Boards Let You Make Anything!

Level Up Your Prototyping I recently ordered something from JLCPCB that has changed my life forever. They have only been referred to as "advanced protoboards" until now, but they are so genius that they deserve a proper name. Seeing as it's not taken, I think OmniProto is a good one. Why? Because this protoboard can do damn near everything. I'm hard pressed to even conceive of something that could be more useful for prototyping other than, like, a good soldering iron and inspection microscope if you don't already have those. I'm never going back. I'm donating all of my stripboard, perfboard, and cheap protoboard to the local hackerspace. I'm an OnmiProto girl now.  Just look at this incomplete assortment of programmers and breadboard modules I've made with it: Who needs breakout boards? Those were all made from a single 10 cm x 10 cm OmniProto, and over half of the board was left afterwards! Because you can make things so small, it takes a long tim

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